Friday, June 15, 2007

Lesson 2: Wildlife - The Black Widow Spider


(Their venom is 15 times more poisonous than rattlesnake venom.)


· 1. the poison produced by some snakes, scorpions etc, transmitted by biting or stinging (e.g. the venom of a cobra)

· 2. great ill-feeling, anger etc; feeling a need to see others suffer (e.g. he spoke with venom; the venom of jealousy)


· 1. poison, toxin, virus

· 2. malice, maliciousness, spite, spitefulness, malignity, acrimony, bitterness, acerbity, spleen, hate, rancor

    • Antonyms: benevolent, good-will

Related: venomous, adj.

DEBRIS, n plural debris

(The black widow spider spins her web in woodpiles and under rocks, porches, plants, or debris.)


· the remains of something broken, destroyed etc (e.g. the fireman found a corpse among the debris; storm debris; war debris;

· rubbish (e.g. there was a lot of debris in the house after the builder had left)


· detritus, litter, trash, wreckage


· cleanliness, neatness, purity

Notes: debris is the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up; garbage is food that is discarded or useless rubbish or a receptacle where rubbish is discarded; trash is worthless material that is to be disposed or a worthless or contemptible person


(Like most spiders, the black widow preys on insects.)


· v. (used without object) to hunt, catch, or eat as prey, as an animal does (usually follow by on or upon) (e.g. Foxes prey on rabbits; Owls prey on mice.)

· n. 1. an animal caught, killed, and eaten by another animal as food 2. one that is defenseless, especially in the face of attack; a victim (e.g. his gullibility makes him easy prey)


· n. quarry, target, victim

· v. raven, predate


· hunter, predator

Related: [pray; play]

Analogy: [predator : prey] = [owl : mice]

PUNCTURE, n, vb.

(When an insect gets trapped in her web, the spider makes a small puncture in the insect’s body.)


· n. a small hole or wound made by a sharp object (e.g. My car has had two punctures this week.)

· vb. to sustain a small hole or wound in something such as a tire or the skin, or cause such a hole (e.g. Some glass on the road punctured my new tire.)


· n. break, rupture, perforation

· vb. break, perforate, penetrate, pierce

    • Antonyms: inflate, sew

Related: [acupuncture]

NUMB, adj., vb.

(Other symptoms include a numb feeling, sweating, dry mouth, and swollen eyelids.)


· n. 1. not able to feel or move (e.g. My arm has gone numb; She was numb with cold.) 2. being emotionally unresponsive; indifferent (e.g. She was numb to their pleas for mercy.)

· v. to make numb (e.g. The cold numbed her fingers.)


· adj. 1. asleep, dead, insensible, insensitive, unfeeling 2. dull, insensible, insensitive, torpid, unresponsive, wooden, deadened, indifferent, senseless, paralyzed, stupefied

    • Antonyms: responsive, sensitive

· vb. deaden, desensitize, dull, benumb

    • Antonyms: sensitize, enliven

Related: numbness, n

RESISTANT adj., n [rĭ-zĭs'tənt]

(Black widow spiders are resistant to most insect sprays.)


· adj. resisting (e.g. his breed of cattle is resistant to disease; heat-resistant table-mats)

· n. a person or thing that resists


· adj. immune, impervious, imperviable, insusceptible, unsusceptible, proof, resistive,

· n. opposition, renitence

Related: resistance, n; resist, vb.